
Free ATC Templates and Artwork for ATC's

After searching fruitlessly on the web for a template for blank ATC cards, I've created one in Photoshop that I'm sharing here as a .pdf file. It's got 6 cards on an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet. 

Download the free template for blank ATC cards.

My favorite books to inspire my ATC'ing:

Download the template for ATC's with upper case letters & punctuation.  Each letter is in a different style type. Print the .pdf file onto 110# card stock and decorate the Artist Trading Cards in any way that inspires you.Cut them out, label them and they're ready for trading.

Download this template for Artist Trading Card backs. They can be printed on 8 1/2 x 11" card stock, plain paper or full sheet sticker and completed with your information.

Download the template for different type letter f ATC blanks.

Blank ATC's with Grid Lines
Since I began Zentangling on ATC's I've realized that my work is much neater and easier to execute if I have a grid to follow. I went into my blank ATC sheet and added grid lines at 1/4", 1/2" and 1" (with a 1/4" border). I also did a card with a 1/4" border, one divided into 4 equal rectangles and one divided into eight equal rectangles. To use the cards I either place them under a blank card on a light table and trace them, or go over the lines by hand with a pen that's slightly larger than the line. Download a .pdf of the Blank ATC's with Grid Lines.

I recently broke down and purchased a small light box and have been really happy that I did. I've used it even more than I expected I would. I checked prices at local arts stores and online, and found t this one on Amazon, which with free shipping and no sales tax was the best deal. 

Originally a watercolor of a bird with the handwritten inscription of Happy Birthday, I scanned this image and have used it to make ATC's for birthday wishes. And for those who don't collect ATC's I've attached it to the front of a plain card. The image can be downloaded here.
Birthday Bird
Or you can order the card, Birthday Bird by crafting_with_style on Zazzle.
See more Watercolor Cards


  1. The watercolour bird birthday card is very pretty.

  2. I can't seem to download your templates. When I click on the download, it sends me to a website that I have to sign up for??
    Any ideas?

  3. That link goes to a Scribd page. There's also a link on Flikr on this page of my blog: http://craftingwithstyle.blogspot.com/2011/09/free-atc-templates-and-artwork-in-jpg.html

    or here's the direct link to flikr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/craftingwithstyle/sets/72157627562412003/


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!