
Top Five Design-Inspired iGoogle Themes

Even though I'm on my computer I like the experience to be as iGoogle is a terrific homepage that lets you customize it to include all your favorite links in an easy to read format. There are thousands of themes available, many which change images throughout the day. Over the years I've tried many of them, but usually get bored looking at the same images day after day. So many themes seem to be very static and artificial feeling. I prefer themes that are more textural and rich. Following is a list of my current top 5 favorites (the first one includes my favorite photos of our travels in Asia!)

China & Vietnam, a series of travel photos that change throughout the day. Download it now.

Just one image daily, but it's a pretty one (I'm guessing using Noro yarn) of several knitted textures with soft colors. The headers are in a sophisticated grey that's not too distracting. Download it now.
An exquisite Victorian crazy quilt. There's only one image, but the blue headers make it easy to look at all day. Download it now.
A beautiful image of Japanese kimono fabric with warm red headers that perfectly capture the color in the kimono. Download it now.
Moroccan Tiles A very pretty image (that doesn't change throughout the day) with calming teal header bars.  Download it now.

If you have a theme you've designed and would like to share, add the link in the comments section below.


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